Sick Policy "Primary" COVID-19 symptoms require exclusion from school and a COVID test. The "non-primary" COVID-19 symptoms can be seen with many other illnesses, in addition to COVID-19. The non-primary symptoms do not always require exclusion. If students or staff have any "primary" symptoms they need to seek testing. If the "non-primary" symptoms persist for more than one day, the parent should consider evaluation by the child's healthcare provider who can determine if viral testing is advised and families may be asked to do so in order to return to school. Primary COVID-19 Symptoms:
temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher
shortness of breath
difficulty breathing
new loss of taste or smell
Non-primary COVID-19 symptoms:
muscle or body aches
sore throat
nasal congestion or runny nose
nausea or vomiting
We are required to exclude children and staff from school if they exhibit the primary symptoms for 10 days after onset of symptoms and 24 hours after both fever and cough resolve, without the use of a fever reducing medication.
The 10 day exclusion period can be shortened:
If an individual tests negative at any time during the 10 day period. They can then return to school 24 hours after resolution of cough and fever without the use of fever-reducing medication.
We may exclude children and staff from school if they exhibit the non primary symptoms and do not wish to receive a COVID test.
Thanks in advance for helping us all stay as healthy as possible!
Be well,